If you are looking for a new hobby, why not try gardening? There are many reasons to begin; read ahead to learn three. 

1. It is healthy. Not only are you getting physical activity and burning calories while you garden, you are also out in the sun and acquiring vitamin D. Furthermore, once your crops are ready for consumption, you will be eating fresh fruits and vegetables chock full of minerals and vitamins. 

2. It is environmentally friendly. By growing and eating your own food, you are reducing environment waste. Most food requires a great deal of petroleum and energy to get from the source to your local grocery store. Food in your garden requires only your own energy. 

3. It is social. Once you start gardening, you might find that you are cultivating deeper relationships with your friends and neighbors. Studies show that nearly 40 percent of gardeners talk to their neighbors to get gardening tips. 

Hopefully these reasons are enough to inspire you to begin your own garden today. 

About the author: Dr. Kimberly Hammes Frank is an avid gardener who enjoys watching plants bloom and grow. Professionally she is a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she utilizes an integrated biopsychosocial approach in treating patients.
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